Light Adjustable Lens: The Revolutionary Lens to Improve Vision After Cataract Surgery

At Pacific Eye Institute, we are committed to offering the latest advancements in eye care to our patients. One of the most exciting innovations in cataract surgery is the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL). This state-of-the-art technology allows for post-surgery adjustments, providing unparalleled precision in achieving your best possible vision. Unlike traditional IOLs, the LAL can […]

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Diagnosis and Treatment Options for Dry Eye

Have you ever experienced irritation, dryness, or a burning sensation in your eyes? You’re not alone. Dry Eye Syndrome is an issue affecting millions of individuals, especially as we get older.  Dry Eye specialists at Pacific Eye Institute have been treating patients in the Inland Empire for over 40 years. Here are some considerations for the […]

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Understanding Cataracts: Symptoms and Solutions

June is Cataract Awareness Month, it’s the ideal opportunity to raise awareness of this prevalent eye disease that affects millions of people globally. Fortunately, there is treatment for cataracts, which are one of the main causes of visual loss. Let’s explore the definition of cataracts, their signs, and the best ways to treat them.  What […]

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Understanding Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight

May is Healthy Vision Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of vision health and taking precautions to prevent blindness. One of the leading causes of blindness is glaucoma, often referred to as the “silent thief of sight.” Understanding this condition can be helpful, as early detection and treatment can help prevent […]

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