The average eyeglass wearer will buy a new pair of glasses every 1-2 years and spend an average of $200 to $600 per pair. Eyeglass prices vary tremendously, depending upon the type of frame and type of lenses. You may also need to have more than one pair of glasses. Many people have separate glasses […]
My Experience with the new PanOptix® IOL Prior to the FDA’s approval of the PanOptix trifocal intraocular lens, I was reluctant to convince patients that an advanced technology IOL would be a good idea for them. In fact, during the preoperative consultation I would spend a great deal of time and energy warning and educating […]
While LASIK is now a household term and common form of eye surgery, just a couple of decades ago it was a brand-new procedure that intrigued many people who were inconvenienced daily by their contacts and eyeglasses. Further back, researchers experimented with rudimentary techniques of surgical vision correction that involved freezing the cornea before removing […]
If the lens inside your eye has become cloudy, you may want to consider cataract surgery. During cataract surgery in Upland, Our Doctors remove the cloudy lens and replaces it with an artificial lens (called an intraocular lens – IOL) to restore clear vision. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis and does […]
When you think of having a surgical procedure, you typically will associate anesthesia as part of that experience. LASIK is not like most surgical procedures because general anesthesia is not necessary. While some patients may prefer the idea of being “put to sleep” for the duration of their procedure, it is actually very important that […]
If you are a contact lens wearer who is interested in LASIK eye surgery for vision correction and to reduce your dependency on contacts, it’s important to be aware of the restrictions surrounding wearing contact lenses before your LASIK consultation. Prior to a LASIK consultation and surgery, it is vital that contact lenses not be […]
A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens of the eye. In most cases, cataracts develop slowly and may not significantly affect eyesight. However, they can quickly begin impacting vision. Common cataract symptoms include: Blurred Vision – The cloudy film that develops over the lens causes a gradual blurring of one’s vision. This blurring […]
Glaucoma is a term used for a group of diseases that irreversibly damage the optic nerve, potentially causing vision loss and blindness. Commonly thought to be a sign of aging, in fact, glaucoma can strike anyone at any age. Glaucoma can be inherited; genetic and hereditary factors are considered to play a key role in […]
It’s important to understand that with macular degeneration, you are dealing with two issues: the medical condition causing vision oss and the vision loss itself. Macular degeneration doctors include retina specialists and low vision specialists. These well-trained doctors can assist you with diagnosis and treatment of macular degeneration as well as vision aid services. Retina […]
Recent government action has expanded telehealth coverage for patients nationwide. Simply put, this means that you don’t have to wait to schedule face-to-face, non-urgent appointments with our expert ophthalmologists. By using chat technology (like Apple FaceTime) on a smartphone or tablet, qualifying patients can schedule a live interactive visit with one of our providers. Please […]